04. Dec. 2009


Windows Startup RunDelayed

the Windows - Boot - Booster


- free for non comercial use -


Its highly recommended to backup your Startup files before

using this Program, you use it on your own risk!


Download: RunDelayed.exe  (english / < 350 kb)




About this program:

My Netbook took more than 2 minutes to startup: After 1 minute the Desktop was shown,

but it took lmost 2 more minutes till everything was loaded and I was able to work.

So, I was thinking how the startup could me accalerated.


The Idea:

There are a lot of programs which are not needed directly after startup

(Antivirus, Printer- & Audio tools, Picasa and other stuff).

Usually Windows loads all this programs directly on startup which takes a lot of time.

Why not loading less importand programs a little bit later, in the background instaed?


RunDelayed does a customized delayed start of all the Windos startup programs.

You can set the order programs are started and start importand stuff first.



Main screen (Settings):



Main - Features:

- Specific delay time for each Program in the Autostart / Registry Run

- Startup cuomization: minimized start, delay, enabled / disabled, program parameters..

- Import of Windows Startup-Programs (+ rollback)

- Windows autostart- and registry check to make sure programs are not started twice.

- Online-Update

...and more...



Programlist Editor:


Autostart - Import Screen:


All settings are stored in an Ini-File at the program - folder.



When you import Programs, backups will be stored in two wayse:

Autostart shortcuts will be stored in a Backup directory (inside the RunDelayed folder)

Registry-Backups are stored in the Ini.


PadFile (Xml)



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