"Hosts-Switch" Switch Windows Hosts - File by Shortcut Switch between different Windows Host - Configurations like: Anti-Advertising, Work oder Private Host-Files
This Program is freeware, it will have bugs! Use is on your own risk! Switch Hosts.exe 1.0: Download
History / Short Introducion: Vers. 1.0.: I developed this small tool because I have to switch between different Hosts - Files on my Windows machine. I had one Hosts-File with thousands of Add-Block-IPs in it, one with a Work-Config and so on..
So how this thingy wirks: It mostly just
manages multipe copys of your current Windows Hosts-File which is usually
located at:: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ETC\Hosts This Program allows easy switching between different Configs by a Shortcut. - > You can create Direct Shortcuts with on Click on the Button (See Screenshot).
- > ..or you can do it manually by using the command-line [Name]: SwitchHosts.Exe Addblock" for activating: Hosts.Addblock Important: Parameter without "Hosts." for the File: "Hosts.Addblock" add just -> "Addblock")
At the first Start a Hosts.Default Backup will be created - but this program will not store any data in ini or registry, Is prefer commandline - parameter / Shortcuts ;)